Its weird when your kids start to talk just like you
As parents or as leaders, we strive to teach and lead in such a way that those who are learning from us can execute well, be successful and/or be at an advantage.
We teach, and talk, and lead, and sometimes scold, and teach more. We desire to pass along our obtained knowledge.
We want our experience in life to mean something.
We truly want to make a difference.
Its surreal when it actually happens
When you have invested your time, really invested your time, and it ACTUALLY produces fruit for you to see, it is as satisfying as it is surreal.
Do we really believe, in the moment, that what we are teaching, modeling, or demonstrating is actually being learned?
I am not talking about how to use Microsoft Excel or how to drive a car. I am not even talking about how to run effective meetings or how to put together chicken casserole.
No, I am talking about intangibles. I am talking about watching your students LEAD other people and hearing, seeing and feeling that they are using your words, your tactics and your philosophy to lead.
“Lee, your kids are watching you.”
Talk about scary.
How frightening and wonderful at the same time to see your words take root and bring forth a crop of positive results.
Seeing it happen, hearing your child or your co-worker repeat your own words to others, SHOULD cause you to examine every single thing you teach to make sure it is as accurate, as complete and as true as humanly possible.
We still mess up. We will evolve in our philosophies of some things as we gain more and more life experience and knowledge. Some things we think when we are young we will still think and believe as we age. Others will change. We just hope that those that are learning from us will listen to the wiser, more knowledgeable version of us.
As we view our circle of influence, what are we saying, even inadvertently, that we would not want shared? What are we teaching about how to treat others, how to treat our spouse, how we talk about others behind their back, how we deal with bad referees or teachers or bosses?
If you are not currently teaching things that you would want taught to others, what are you waiting for? Make a difference in this world, “they” are listening and watching.