Sowing WILL produce something to reap, so its what we sow that matters
You reap WHAT you sow
When we plant a garden of complaining, we will reap an unwanted harvest of dissatisfaction with life. People who gripe and complain all the time do not seem to understand that they are continuing to get what they are giving.
It is also true that if you are generous, that comes back to you, too.

If you are kind, consistently and deliberately kind, you will reap a harvest of friends and neighbors who support you and want to be around you.
You reap LATER than you sow
Anyone who has ever planted anything knows that you have to wait for the harvest. This is also true in our personal lives. If you have lived a life where you have been stingy and selfish, your life is full of people who are mediocre friends, at best, and most likely cold and distant. This is a result of your selfish attitude and it is what you are reaping now that you have sown these bad character traits.
Suppose you want a different harvest. Suppose you wake up and decide you want to have a better marriage and you realize, quite painfully, that you are to blame for your lackluster marriage because you have been hateful, short, unforgiving and bitter.
You decide to change. Overnight you are now kind, thoughtful and sacrificial.
But your spouse, your co-workers, your kids do not stand up and take notice nor do they applaud your efforts. You expect that your actions will produce a like-kind exchange.
But it doesn’t.
This is due to the very difficult rule in the principle of sowing and reaping. You reap LATER than you sow.

You can’t plow and immediately look backwards to see if anything is growing yet. Anything like that takes TIME. Lots of time. How much time? That depends. How long have you been selfish and self-centered? Years? Decades? How long have you been a hateful gossiper or someone who is constantly negative?
For you to change and for others to respond will take months if not years.
This is why it is so important to begin sowing all the right things as soon as possible. Plant your fields with good things, and then keep watering and weeding. Commit to the process. Commit to the joy of the journey. Commit to being different. The results will come. The harvest will come. Be patient and do not grow weary in doing good.

Look over your field; it is possible the soil is still quite hard from your past. It might take several more attempts to make the ground of your life to be receptive to a different crop.
This is why it is important to start now, today, do not tarry. Do not wait until “Monday”. Be proactive. If you stop and think for just a little bit, allow your mind to go deep into this subject, it will become readily apparent what you need to plant and what you need to STOP planting.
Prepare the ground for a different crop.
You reap MORE than you sow
This is either delightful news or terrifying. If you life is full of disappointment and problems, look back, this is what you planted months and years ago. At the time, you didn’t think you little griping, your little cheating, your little days of being lazy, your little attitude of unforgiveness – you never thought it would turn into a life like – THIS.
But this is an undeniable part of the principle of sowing and reaping.
Here is the good news!
When enough time has passed and you have consistently planted goodness, faithfulness, love, peace, patience, self-discipline, joy, kindness – when you have planted good things – you will begin to reap a harvest of plenty. More than you can imagine and so much you lose count of the blessings. The blessings are overwhelming, in fact. If you are not careful, you will not even be aware of the bountiful crop because it is so much.
It will be as if the Creator of the Universe threw open the floodgates of Heaven just to bless you.
What crops do you need to plant
Whatever it is that you desire, you must plant, water, weed and wait for the results. This is a time-proven principle and no shortcuts and alternative plans exist.
Therefore, do not focus on the harvest, do not focus on the results. Instead, determine to plant the right things for the rest of your life. The bounty will come.