Sun and the Wind

It has been a true honor to speak to various organizations in the health care industry and the health care education sector.
Lee Bailey is a leader of people and has a special energy and calling for encouraging others. I have used him as a speaker with leaders in my hopital and we left inspired. I plan to work with him again in the future keeping our focus on the concept of “encouragement”. We can never do this enough.

Timothy McGill
CEO, Livingston Regional Hospital
I’ve known Lee for 40 years and have always considered him to be a passionate individual, and this passion is evident any time I talk to him about nurses! He has been personally affected by the tender, loving care that nurses provide and he enjoys sharing his experiences to demonstrate the gratitude he holds for this profession.

J. Travis Dunlap
PhD, ANP-BC Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing
Lee started speaking to and about nurses shortly after he and his family dealt with a difficult time with their first child.
It was the nurses at every touch point that gave them hope.
Everyone in this country, I would even say everyone in the world is looking for meaning. Looking for their purpose in life. If you have chosen to be a nurse, you have already answered that question for yourself. You ARE making an impact. Period.
Lee Bailey