It has been said that less than 1% of the population eat a perfectly healthy diet….

I am that 1%!

I don’t even have to work hard

It is so incredibly easy to keep and maintain the perfect weight. I feel sad for all those people that go from one fad diet to another. If they only had what I have, the perfect weight, perfect diet and perfect habits, the diet industry would fall apart.

Sometimes I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast and sometimes I eat Fruity Pebbles and Count Chocula. It is the absolutely perfect mix of fun and whimsical breakfast cereals and hearty and protien-rich fuel.

This part of my life hasn’t always been so perfect

In my younger years, I didn’t have it all figured out. But the year I got married, I discovered the key to having the perfect diet. Eat.

My wife was raised in a family of four, and the last several years she lived at home she was expected to do a good portion of the cooking and baking. She brought that experience into our marriage and immediately took great pride in making our meals as perfect as possible. This is when I developed my “I AM BETTER THAN YOU” diet.

She would make a meal that would traditionally feed four, but we (mostly me) would just eat it all at one time. That way, there were no messy leftovers.

With this new perfect diet in place, I began to hit my stride. After only 1 year on this new plan, my body weight had changed from 180lbs to 150lbs. This is a perfect 70pound differential and it suited me and my new diet perfectly.

How I wish others could adapt and work through their diet dilemmas as easily as I can!

Learn from me

Since then I realized that my instincts were so good, that I need to eat whatever I want, whenever I want it and how ever much I desire. I know it will be the perfect choice.

I am so glad I don’t have to “work” at it. I should be able (and of course I do) to just go through life with no restraints, no consequences and no one telling me I can’t have this or that.

If you are reading this, I hope you are inspired to be as confident as I am that eating what you want, how much you want and when you want has no side-effects or downside.

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