In the marketplace, we exchange things that one person wants for something someone else wants.
In other words, in one way or another, we pay for what we want.
Ancient wisdom writings tell us to Buy Truth.
Buy Truth
What does it mean to buy truth?
You must pay for it. You must sacrifice something that you already have to obtain the Truth you seek.
What could that be?
- Time – It will require some or lots of your time in order to obtain, learn and practice Truth.
- Humility – You MUST be humble enough to understand that you do not know ALL Truth and finding, learning, and applying all Truth will be a humbling experience.
- Friendships – it is possible as you seek and find Truth, you will find that it will cost you relationships that do not care about Truth. Buy Truth anyway.
- Commonly held beliefs – Yes, as you seek and learn Truth, you will inevitably find that some beliefs you hold dear may not line up with the real Truth. You must be willing to allow those beliefs to become sacrificed for your own personal growth.
There may indeed be other parts of your life that it will cost you as you seek, find and apply Truth, but it is worth it.
Do Not Sell It
The Proverb goes on to say that once you buy Truth, DO NO SELL IT.
What does that mean?
The seeking, finding, living out REAL TRUTH is hard. It is a hard life and rewards for living that kind of life are not immediate. The principle of “sowing and reaping” says that you reap much later than you sow. By going through the process of buying truth, you have alienated friends, perhaps, you have changed your priorities and you may have even changed your mind about several items that once were immovable in your mind. The process, therefore, is long and difficult.
There will be temptations to forget it all. Life will seem easier that way. Looking at others who do not stick closely to the Truth and abide by it at all costs will seem to get away with things, will seem to benefit, even, by not buying the Truth for themselves.
But do not be fooled, in the end there will be destruction for them and you will be standing on Truth, an immovable, Rock of Truth that will ultimately set you free.
How will the Truth set you free?
When you know the real Truth, the capital letter “T” Truth, you have a clear standard of goals, objectives and principles to live by and therefore you are free to live within those boundaries and free to say no, without compromise or apology to those things that do not fit into the Truth. It is indeed freeing.
What is the “Real Truth”
Jesus said that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life.
The good news that a savior came to live a perfect life and died for me and you and the belief in that good news and the decision to allow Jesus to come and live within your spirit, your heart and give ownership to Him, that is the Truth.
That Truth guides perfectly, that Truth leads in the correct direction every single time. That Truth is never failing and always faithful.
Do you know that Truth? I can speak from personal experience, I know that Truth and that Truth has, indeed, set me free.